Confessions of a Shopaholic

Today was a very nice day. I have all day just for me. The other ones went swimming, but I coulden't because I coulden't, so I hade all day for my self. First when I woke up I waited for the family to go and then I took a shower - a warm shower. =) Then I made me some breakfast and landed infront of the TV, for a few hours, then I made lunch and looked more on TV. Then I wanned some chocolate but I don't have any so I listen to some music and started to read a book - Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. Haven't read far but so far so good, I have wanted to read that book sense I've read Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. Some day I'm gonna search for a library to borrow some other books.

Then I desided I wanted to see a movie. Laura hade written to me on the whiteboard, that I was free to take "my" car to go as long as I don't get lost. haha. I looked at the computer to see witch movie I should see and desided to se Confessions of a Shopaholic. I wrote back to the family to say where I were and when the movie started. Then I left. I was exciting to go on my own but I am proud of my self. The movie was in Stirling, but I had n idea where it was. But I know the way to a supermarket so I went over there and asked a lovely lady called Mary the way and she wrote it down for me - Thank you sweet Mary. First I thought I went the wronh way but then I saw the sign. The movie, popcorn and cocacola cost me £12.45. But it was worth it. I sat in the middle and I had none on my seatlane, or what it is called. It wasen't many people to see that move and that was very good. It was funny and I know my cousin would love that movie. =) Then I went home and a was gladly suprised that they had left me some chinese food on the stove. I wormed it up and I eat it in bed watching TV. Now I'm sitting here and writing.

Yesterday we all went to the beach outside Edinburgh. It was windy but It was beautiful and I absolutly loved it. There were windsurfers, crazy people because it was cold. I collected some seashells and have them now on my fireplace. Didn't do much yesterday, took it nice and easy. On friday I was playing with Freddy, hoovering and keept the fire going. Then Bella came home and they started to play and started to be a little cheeky to each other. On the evening mom and dad went out for a while and I took care of the kids.

Tomorrow I have to ironing and some tidy up to do then I don't know. Perheps get the kids from school. I'm gonna talk to another au-pair because wanted to have some coffe with me some day. And I will accpet that gladly.
Now I am going to bed and watch some more TV before I get to sleep.

Night night..

Love you
Mamma och Pappa
Viktor och Calle
Farmor och Mormor

Postat av: Maria Karlsson

Hej Ida, det är Maria. Syrran gav mig din bloggadress. Kul att läsa om hur du har det där borta ;) Hoppas allt är bra. Kram

2009-02-28 @ 01:50:15
Postat av: LouiseRamström<3

hörru din tv tittare <3 äre bra ?:)

Klart du kommer få se mej levande när du kommer tillbaka<3 ^^ hehe :) ja tänker på dig och du betyder mkt för mej!Ja saknar dig och Ta hand om dej gumman!massa biljoner kramar från mej till dig!

Puss och kram!<3

2009-03-08 @ 11:25:02

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