SJUUUUUUK!!!!!! =(

I absolutly hates to be sick! Especially when you are tired. I haven't slept much this night and l do believe that l will not have so much sleep this night either. When you have a flu then you can't sleep. But thankfully l haven't done much today. I left the kids in school and then put a machine full of clothes and then keept Ina company when she came and did some laundery (why she was here I don't know). Then l drove Laura to the childrens school to meet Neil because he is on his way to Guatemala for work. I don't envy him that, maybe the sun.  

Today it have been a grey day with rain and wind. But l don't mind. I went for a walk today to, not a long one but still. l'm feeling lazy but now l have a reason to take it slow. Tomorrow l'm gonna ironing and hoovering and watch a movie. I'm borrowing the familys DVD player into my room because noone is using it under the week. Today l have seen the Increadables and soon l'm gonna watch Cars. I'm soo tired. The chikens woke me up and then Lauras alarm and then mine but l wasen't sleeping hard because of my flu. =( But hopefuly l will sleep some tonight.  

No l'm gonna make me some tea and a sandwich and then off to bed!

I also heard that 2 of my friends have got babies and I wish them good luck. The babies were both girls (Miriam and Ronya). And the mothers are both my age. I want a baby but first l want a man that want to have kids.
Hope l'll get to see some picuters of the babies.

Sleep tight .... Night Night .... 


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